
For gifts via check, please make payable to Grace Commons Foundation
and note the name of the fund you are donating to in the memo line.
For your reference, our Tax ID Number is #26-3506082.

Mail your check to:
Grace Commons Foundation
PO Box 1572
Boulder, Colorado 80306-1572

For more information on additional giving vehicles, please email
We look forward to partnering with you!

Current Gifts

Gift of Cash

Simply write a check and mail it to us; make a quick and easy gift to support a ministry fund.

  • Current income tax deduction.
  • Remove property from estate.

Outright Gift of Securities

Support the Foundation by donating long-term appreciated stock or other securities.

  • Current income tax deduction at full fair market value.
  • Avoid capital gains tax.

Gift of Life Insurance

Donate a life insurance policy to make a gift that truly impacts God’s Kingdom, with little cost to yourself.

  • Current income tax deduction.
  • Possible future income tax deductions through gifts to pay policy premiums.

Outright Gift of Real Estate

Deed ownership of home or rental property to Grace Commons Foundation to provide a residence, a meeting place or an office, or to be sold at an opportune time.

  • Current income tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax.
  • Relieve yourself of the burden of ownership.

Donor Advised Fund

Create the fund with a current gift but defer your giving decisions.

  • Ability to choose ministries to support as you feel led.
  • Opportunity to teach stewardship to your children.
  • Current income tax deduction.

Life Income Gifts

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Create a hedge against inflation, supplement retirement income, and support Christ’s work by creating a trust that pays a fixed percentage of the trust’s assets annually.

  • Variable income for life with a future gift to the Foundation.
  • Immediate income tax charitable deduction.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Set up a charitable trust that pays you a set income annually, to secure a fixed income which supplements your retirement funds.

  • Fixed payments for life and a future gift to the Foundation.
  • Current income tax deduction.

Charitable Lead Trust

Donate an income stream to the Foundation by creating a charitable trust that pays out current gifts, then use the remainder to pass on to your heirs or to support your retirement.

  • Minimize estate tax on assets to your heirs while supporting a Kingdom mission during your lifetime.
  • Current income tax deduction.

Gift of Retained Life Estate

Deed ownership of your personal residence, vacation home, or farm to the Foundation, but continue to live there.

  • Lifetime use of residence with current income tax deduction.
  • Future gift to the work of our Lord.



Name the Grace Commons Foundation your will to defer a gift until after your lifetime.

  • Gift exempt from federal estate tax.
  • Control of asset for your lifetime.

Bequest of Retirement Assets

Avoid double taxation on your IRAs and employee benefit plans by naming the Foundation as your beneficiary.

  • Giving from your most highly taxed assets leaves more for family.
  • Avoids income and estate tax.

Please contact us if you wish to see the complete audit.

The Grace Commons Foundation does not provide legal or financial advice. Donors are encouraged to contact their legal and financial advisors when considering making a gift to the Grace Commons Foundation.

For more information regarding giving, please contact us at 720.295.3651.

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