What We Do

Our purpose is to extend the hand of Christ to others.​
Since 2009 we have contributed over $250,000 in grants.

"The grant from Grace Commons Foundation was part of our campaign to hire a part-time staff person and begin ministry at Longmont High School. With that critical support we hired a staff person, gathered community support, started the ministry which now has a weekly gathering of 30-40 students, 8 diverse volunteer leaders (including coached and teachers), and a consistent presence in the school. This new ministry has an outsize presence relationally in the school, embodying our Young Life values to be where kids are, reaching kids who wouldn't normally come to a church."  
—Ben Johns, Co-Area & High School Director St. Vrain Valley Young Life

"The Foundation's grant enabled Denver Institute for Faith and Work (DIFW) to pursue the possibility of a Boulder fellowship and explore the next best steps for an expression of faith and work in Boulder. In close connection with leaders from Grace Commons Church, a Boulder cohort is being sought for 2023's 5280 Fellowship and the possibility of launching a Boulder Fellowship continues. The conversations have led to invigorating new and renewed connections with other faith leaders in Boulder County." 
—Jeff Hoffmeyer,
VP for Advancement 
Denver Institute for Faith & Work 

"EFAA is fortunate to have strong supporters across the philanthropic spectrum including faith-based organizations, such as Grace Commons Foundation. We are empowered by your charitable giving to provide critical safety net and family strengthening services to individuals and families with children at risk of or experiencing homelessness in Boulder County. "The Foundation's 2022 grant supported the distribution of nearly $1.6M in Direct Financial Assistance to help participants pay for rent, utilities, and minor medical needs as well as over 1,000,000 pounds of food from our Food Bank (the most in our 104-year history) across 16,600 food visits. In addition, 381 households participated in EFAA's three family strengthening programs, Keep Families Housed, Bringing School Home, and the Housing Stabilization Program."  
Jake McClelland, Emergency Family Assistance Association

“With the grant from Grace Commons Foundation, we were able to purchase
refrigerators that enabled us to triple the distribution of milk to food bank recipients each week. This has helped us to further our mission to reach out with compassion and meet the basic needs of individuals and families.”
—Marcia-Sue Brubaker, Wellspring Storehouse
Vinelife Church

“We recently launched a 21-century preschool and the grant from Grace Commons Foundation allowed us to build the spiritual discovery aspect of the preschool. We used the funds to purchase Christian curriculum materials used in the classroom each week, lesson supplies, kids worship music, Bible boxes for each classroom, and family devotional tools for home. God is working in kids lives and the preschool faculty’s lives!

Each week when I visit the classroom, I enter singing this song, to queue the kids: “Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah...praise ye the Lord!” The 2.5-3 years olds for the first few weeks would just stare at me as I entered singing. But by the fourth week, as I entered the room, before I could even start singing, one sweet child greeted me at the door and started shouting with exuberance...”Yu-ya! Yu-Ya!” This was her way of shouting Hallelujah! It is such a small thing...but meant so much, as it is an indication of seeds being planted in the hearts of these young disciples.”
—Director of Children & Family Ministry
Grace Commons Church

“Thank you for our recent grant! With your support we held successful Kids Night Out events where we were able to host a total of 51 foster kids. It was during these evenings that our kids had opportunities to participate in skill-building activities and to enjoy a hot meal and entertainment. During these events, our volunteers spend intentional time with each child and share how truly loved and special they are in God’s eyes.”
—Walter Boner, Volunteer Camp for Change Kids Night Out

“Our partnership with both Grace Commons Church and Foundation benefits our clients. With the grant from the Foundation, we supported grab n’ go meals for our Community Table Dinners. The location, the parking lot of the Deacons' Closet, provides well-known and easy access. In 2021 we served over 6,000 meals
to 890 unique individuals, 640 of whom attended for the first time. Only through collaborations such as these can we pursue our goal of serving the homeless and food insecure individuals in Boulder.”
—Scott Medina, Director of Community Relations
Bridge House

“We were able to hire, train, and, most importantly, disciple two college student interns for ministry year 2021-2022. We can confidently say that both gentlemen who served in these positions grew in their discipleship, ministry as vocation exploration, and made a significant impact in reaching more students for Christ in Boulder Country. One of the interns who served in this role said this experience
was ‘hands down the most impactful discipleship experience’ he has had in his many years at Grace Commons. With confidence I can say that the grant and resulting internship allowed both young men to grow in their leadership as well confidence in sharing the gospel.”
—Director of Student & Family Ministry
Grace Commons Church

“As we have navigated the trials of COVID, especially in the Boulder County area, creating an opportunity for fellowship has been a huge desire of ours. With the grant awarded by Grace Commons Foundation, we were able to create and host a retreat for coaches in the Boulder and North Jeffco areas. We were able to share a
different perspective on coaching, which helped them to consider what it means to be a transformational coach, not just a transactional.

One coach came to me afterwards, saying that this retreat was a huge catalyst for him to prioritize the Kingdom in his coaching, not just value the wins and losses.

When he focuses on the Kingdom, transformation happens. If he focuses on wins, transactions happen.”
—Kyle Mack, Jefferson County Area Director
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

"Thank you for giving us space to invite Emmanuel into a leadership role at Nova Church during Katie's leave. As co-pastors of a church plant, we knew that we would have our hands unusually full as we anticipated the birth of our third child. The grant from Grace Commons Foundation allowed us to call Emmanuel to serve Nova in a pastoral capacity during Katie's maternity leave. This, in turn, enabled us to focus on our family and provided space for Katie to recover. This was an immense blessing as it limited stressors on our family."Church planting is hard. It is so important to be thinking for the 'long term' and how to sustain oneself for the long-haul. As a fellow church planter put it, our goal is 'to last.' Fruit comes as we patiently wait for God to do what only God can do. This project was a key part in our transition to being a family of five and receiving rest along the way to be sustained for the long­ haul."
—Chuck and Katie Fowler, Co-Lead Pastors
Nova Church, Denver

"Through Grace Commons Foundation's grant, Cornerstone brought me on board initially to work with a group of 6th graders. Through weekly gatherings we’ve walked through the ups and downs of their lives, discussing video games, sports, and just about everything else. Two years later, I’m still with these kids and look forward to what God has in store as they enter high school and beyond."It is awesome to grow and learn in my own faith under the leadership of this church. I have discovered that my true passion is leading middle- and high-schoolers on their walk with the Lord."
—Alex Kelly, Youth Ministry Intern,
Cornerstone Church of Boulder Valley

"We were able to host over 200 CU students at Grace Commons for a Kick Off and Welcome event on the first day of the 2022-23 academic year with help from the Foundation's grant. Our 'no strings attached' hospitality event attracted many students that wouldn't ordinarily make their way into our church and Annex. University students chose to come back the next night for Annex because of their experience with our ln-N-Out Welcome. Thank you for your support and investment!"
—Dave Pommer, Director of University Ministries, Grace Commons Church

“The finances of our church were not in a situation where it was feasible to hire a student ministry associate. Grace Commons Foundation’s grant helped us kickstart a staffing initiative and bring on an intern 3 months earlier than we had hoped. The staff member helped run the middle school ministry for a year, where he poured into the lives of kids and leaders.”
—Tyler Adams, Director of Student Ministries Boulder Valley Christian Church

"With the benefit of GCF's grant, we were able to nearly double the size of Boulder Pregnancy Rescue Center's (BPRC) office space to accommodate the increase in clients served. We used the funds to not only add space, but to furnish it and begin serving clients. The expansion has helped to ensure that our offices are comfortable and inviting for men as well as for women. It is a joy to see the healing of hearts by offering the classes on site!"
—Connie Weiskopf, Executive Director,
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center

Grace Commons Foundation's Charitable Approach

Grace Commons Foundation’s approach to giving is based on the commitment to invest in those things that build God’s Kingdom.

Grace Commons Foundation recognizes that there are numerous "Christian" organizations with diverse goals and objectives.

In granting funds, Grace Commons Foundation is committed to demonstrating humility, grace, and mercy as well as using funds in a manner that will glorify God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

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